After placing your order, you will receive a confirmation email containing your order details and the estimated delivery date.
Once your order has been shipped, you will receive a separate email with your tracking information.
Please note that it may take up to 3 business days for the tracking information to become active. This delay occurs because our parcels are shipped from Poland, and tracking only becomes available after the package reaches the sorting facility in your country.
Why is my tracking not active?
The package may still be in transit between Poland and your country. During this time, the tracking system will not yet display updates.
Tracking will become active once the package arrives at the sorting facility in your country.
Do you have an account?
We recommend creating an account to save and track your future orders easily.
With an account, you can:
- View your order history
- Access all your tracking information in one place
- Manage your delivery preferences
- Save your details to streamline the ordering process